The goal of transcatheter pulmonary valve (TPV) therapy is to restore pulmonary valve function while delaying your next open-heart surgery as long as possible.

TPV therapy treats narrowed or leaking pulmonary valve conduits and surgical valves between the heart’s right pumping chamber and the lungs without open-heart surgery. With TPV therapy, a thin, hollow tube (catheter) with a specially designed heart valve inside is inserted into a vein and pushed up to your heart. The heart valve is from a cow’s vein that has been attached to a wire frame.

When it is time for you to get the new valve, it is placed onto a catheter and guided through your vein to your heart where the new valve will replace the old one. Your new valve will then be able to help your heart pump blood correctly.

TPV therapy is a different option to take care of a leaky or narrowed connection between the heart and lungs for children and adults. TPV therapy does not replace open-heart surgery but is meant to delay the need for the next surgery.


Typically, patients are asleep under anesthesia for the procedure and usually don’t feel any pain.

  1. Your doctor will insert the delivery system into your vein (typically in your leg) through a small access site.
  2. A thin, hollow tube (catheter) holding the transcatheter pulmonary valve will be placed into the vein and guided into your heart.
  3. Once the valve is in the right position, the balloons will be inflated to deliver the valve.
  4. The valve will expand into place and begin to direct blood flow between the right lower chamber (ventricle) and your lungs.
  5. The catheter will then be removed, and the doctor will conduct a test to make sure the valve is working properly.
  6. The access site will be closed, and the procedure will be complete.


After the TPV procedure, you will go to a recovery room.

Once you are awake, you will be moved to a regular hospital room where you’ll be able to eat and drink.

You likely will need to stay in the hospital overnight as most people go home the next day. Your doctor will provide you with more specific care instructions as well as any limitations you may have. Usually, you can return to normal activities in 1 to 2 days. If you have any questions, please ask your heart doctor or nurse.


Follow your heart care team’s instructions to ensure the best possible results.

  • Continue to take medications as prescribed.
  • Follow your daily care plan.
  • Keep appointments to have your heart and TPV checked.
  • Talk with your doctor if you have pain or other symptoms.
  • Inform your other doctors about your heart valve before any medical procedures.
  • If you have an unexplained, prolonged fever, contact your doctor to ensure you do not have an infection related to your heart valve.
  • Tell your dentist that you have an artificial tissue valve. During dental work, bacteria may be released into the bloodstream and cause infection in any tissue valve. This means that you may need to be on medicine before any dental procedure, even routine cleaning.

Information on this site should not be used as a substitute for talking with your doctor. Always talk with your doctor about diagnosis and treatment information.