Dixie’s Story Sacroiliac Joint Fusion


Dixie has the Rialto SI fusion system

For years, Dixie endured severe pain in her groin, outside hip joint, and middle buttocks, as well as aching legs. This held her back from square dancing, a hobby that brought her much joy.  After sacroiliac (SI) joint fusion with the RialtoTM SI fusion system, Dixie was not only able to function again. “I’ve been able to slowly return to square dancing with no pain afterwards.”


For years, Dixie endured severe pain in her left groin, outside left hip joint, and middle left buttocks, as well as an aching leg. Standing or walking for any length of time was impossible. The pain was so severe that Dixie was unable to do many household chores for several years.

In search of relief, Dixie tried many different nonsurgical treatments: chiropractic treatments, massage therapy, physical therapy, and acupuncture. She also used TENS units and took narcotic pain medications. Epidural injections relieved pain for only a month. With all of these treatments, the pain always returned. Eventually Dixie was diagnosed with sacroiliac joint dysfunction.

A pain management doctor referred Dixie to Dr. William Rosenberg, a Kansas City, Missouri, surgeon to discuss SI joint fusion surgery. In May 2012, he fused the left-side SI joint using the transgluteal approach . Dixie experienced some pain relief in the first couple of weeks but due to the surgical approach required a walker for 1 or 2 months after being able to bear weight.  “I was very slow to be able to walk any distance, probably 3-4 months.”

A few years later Dixie started to experience pain in her right-side SI joint. The pain became severe in January 2016 and continued to worsen making everything painful to do especially lying down or sleeping.  Dixie decided to consult with Dr. Rosenberg about her right-side SI joint pain.  Due to advances in technology and surgical approach Dr. Rosenberg fused the right-side SI joint using the Rialto SI fusion system.


The severe pain is gone, Dixie says. “I’m able to move and perform household duties without every step being extremely painful.” 

This story reflects one person's experience with the Rialto SI fusion system. Not every person will receive the same results. Talk to your doctor about your treatment options. Some risks of SI joint surgery include incomplete pain relief, damage to the nerve roots, infection, and complications with the hardware. Most of these complications can be treated once they are detected, but sometimes they require a longer period of hospitalization or recovery, additional medications, and sometimes even additional surgery.