Your story can help others who are making a decision about SI joint fusion surgery. If you have the Medtronic SI fusion system, please share your story with us.

To tell us about your journey, fill out the form below. If your story is selected for the website or other communications, a representative will contact you for more details.

* Indicates a required field.

Tell us about your symptoms and how they affected your life. What treatments did you try? Max 2,000 characters

Tell us about how you learned about the Medtronic SI joint fusion system. Max 2,000 characters

Tell us what your life is like now that you have the Medtronic SI fusion system. Max 2,000 characters

Image requirements:

Maximum file size: 1MB.

File formats accepted: jpg, gif, jpeg, png


  • Send a headshot, can be taken with a snapshot camera or phone
  • Have a friend or family member take your photo
  • Make sure the photo includes only you, with no one else in the picture