Bariatric Surgery Patient Support

Weight-loss Surgery Patient Support

Bariatric Surgery

Patient Support

During your bariatric surgery journey, surround yourself with a supportive network of professionals, family, friends, and fellow patients for support and encouragement. This section offers a compilation of resources. When it comes to weight-loss surgery, always remember you’re not alone.

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Talking With Your Primary Care Physician

For some, obesity can be a lifelong struggle with no amount of healthy eating or exercise resulting in drastic weight loss. For many, weight-loss surgery can help turn their life around and help them start living again. You’ve probably talked with your doctor about your weight before and various health-related issues, especially if you are diabetic.

If you have struggled with losing the excess weight on your own through various weight loss strategies, you and your doctor should discuss the possibility of weight-loss surgery. Your body mass index (BMI) and weight takes its toll on your health, and it’s time you took your future into your own hands. Your doctor is there to support you and help you reach a healthier you with the right weight-loss program.

Talking to your doctor means asking smart questions. Your doctor's answers and expertise can help you decide if weight-loss surgery is right for you. Some guiding questions follow and will help you begin this important discussion.

Be sure to keep in mind the selection criteria for bariatric surgery patients:

  • BMI greater than 40
  • BMI greater than 35 with significant accompanying health issues
  • Well-informed and motivated
  • Failure to achieve weight control with nonsurgical approaches

Questions to Ask Your Primary Care Physician

  1. Can we talk about weight-loss surgery, and the different types?
  2. Do you think weight-loss surgery is right for me?
  3. Will weight-loss surgery mean I won’t have weight issues any more?
  4. What doctor performs the surgery?
  5. Will my diabetes affect the surgery?
  6. Will being diabetic be affected by the surgery positively or negatively?
  7. Do you see any risks I should be aware of, based on my current health?
  8. Which type of weight-loss surgery would you recommend?

Talking With Your Family

Understanding Your Team

Preparing for Bariatric Surgery

Affording Weight-Loss Surgery

Caregiver Information



Bariatric and Metabolic Institute. Cleveland Clinic. Available from:


Information on Bariatric Surgery. U.S. News Health, Duke Medicine. Available from:


Criteria based on: Gastrointestinal Surgery for Severe Obesity. NIH Consensus Statement 1991 Mar 25-27;9(1):1-20. Available from:

Information on this site should not be used as a substitute for talking with your doctor. Always talk with your doctor about diagnosis and treatment information.