Connecting Experts

MedEx, a web-based portal offers the flexibility for cardiac consultation at any time, from anywhere and from any device. It enables Interventional Cardiologists with knowledge, skill sets and guidance from experts to perform complex interventions. The portal supports the upload, transfer and download of patient information such as patient profile, demographic data, clinical and diagnostic findings, reports, treatment progress, associated images, audio and video files.


MedEx - a Health Systems Innovation by Medtronic

  • Emerging markets face unique obstacles in their quest to stand up and establish sustainable, high quality and cost-effective health systems.
  • Access is typically impacted by location and proximity to quality health institutions, a lack of quality trained specialists and healthcare practitioners, and a lack of infrastructure or facilities.
  • Each treatment option has specific risks and potential benefits. Taking into account more than one opinion regarding a procedure or therapy can help to choose the course of action, resulting in better patient outcomes.


Note: For additional details, healthcare professionals may contact their respective salesperson from Medtronic.