Stroke prevention resources

How to reduce your risk

Having a stroke means you are at greater risk for having a recurrent, or repeat, stroke.Identifying and managing stroke risk factors will help your physician take the necessary steps in minimizing your risk of having a recurrent stroke.

Download resources on detecting and managing chronic conditions that could increase your chances of a first or recurrent stroke.

A man jogging


1 in 5 people who have a stroke are diabetic.3


Stroke is linked to high levels of LDL cholesterol.3


More than half of all strokes are associated with high blood pressure.3

Understanding unexplained stroke

In some cases, despite testing during the hospital stay, the cause of a stroke cannot be determined. This is what is known as a “cryptogenic” stroke or a stroke of unknown cause.

Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is a major risk factor for stroke. It’s a common condition in which the upper chambers of the heart beat very fast and irregularly. As a result, blood is not pumped effectively to the rest of the body and may pool and clot. If a clot dislodges, it can travel to the brain and result in a stroke.

People with AFib are five times more likely to have a stroke.2

Want to know more about unexplained stroke?

AFib was detected in 30% of cryptogenic stroke patients up to 3 years after their first stroke.2


Sanna T, Diener HC, Passman RS, et al. Cryptogenic Stroke and Underlying Atrial Fibrillation (CRYSTAL AF). N Engl J Med. June 26, 2014;370(26):2478-2486.