Introducing the Percept™ PC DBS
neurostimulator with BrainSense™ technology for
Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor, dystonia,
obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), and epilepsy.
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Unprecedented Insights – Inside and Outside the Clinic

Deliver personalised, data-driven neurostimulation treatment with the only commercially available sensing technology in DBS.*

How It Works

  • Capture a patient’s brain signals while delivering stimulation using the implanted DBS lead
  • Correlate with stimulation and events capturing medication, symptoms, or side effects
  • Deliver personalised, data-driven treatment and adjust as patient needs evolve.

Percept PC neurostimulator - (00:56)

* Medtronic’s Activa™ PC+S device received CE Mark on January 17, 2013, but was not commercially distributed

The Only 1.5T and 3T MR Conditional* DBS System

The expanded eligibility of the Percept™ PC device supports the most prevalent and fastest growing MRI modalities so patients can benefit from cutting-edge medical imaging when they need it. 

global mri systems market chart

BCC Research Report HLC078D: Medical Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Technologies and Global Markets (July 2018)

Expanded MRI Features:

  • Creates access to 70% of MRI scanners globally
  • Expands eligibility for current Medtronic DBS patients to include 3T MRI
  • Allows DBS therapy to be ON during an MRI scan using a bipolar therapy group

Adds full-body MRI eligibility for lead-only DBS systems

* Medtronic DBS systems are MR Conditional, which means they are safe for MRI scans only under certain conditions. If the conditions are not met, the MRI could cause tissue heating, especially at the implanted lead(s) in the brain, which may result in serious and permanent injury or death. Refer to the MRI Guidelines for Medtronic Deep Brain Stimulation Systems for a complete list of conditions:

Disruptive Technology and Breakthrough Design

Modern and Ergonomic

Ergonomically designed, the Percept™ PC device offers enhanced comfort for patients.#

percept pc design features infographic

# Medtronic data on file
|| In overall device volume
¶ Refers to case thickness

Smaller Yet Longer Lasting

Percept™ PC device is smaller yet offers improved longevity. Plus, its smart battery technology provides real-time prediction of remaining battery life, so you and your patients can have peace of mind when planning for a replacement device.

percept pc battery life image

* Based on current actual battery level and therapy settings from last seven days
** For median energy use in DBS for patients with Parkinson’s disease, with moderate (up to 2 months per year) BrainSense™ technology usage
††For median energy use in DBS for patients with Parkinson’s disease, with equivalent settings and no BrainSense™ technology usage

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Brief Statement
See the device manual for detailed information regarding the instructions for use, the implant procedure, indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and potential adverse events , If using an MRI SureScan® device, see the MRI SureScan® technical manual before performing an MRI. For further information, contact your local Medtronic representative and/or consult the Medtronic website at