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The Medtronic Academy offers medical education to inspire and empower healthcare professionals to improve patient outcomes. Discover more with Medtronic Academy.

  • Access over 4,000+ courses and videos

  • Attend webinars  and events live or recorded

  • Access a massive library of support resources 

  • Earn completion certificates

  • Earn professional contact hours

  • Available anytime, anywhere, anyway



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Health professionals

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Therapies & technologies

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The content on Medtronic Academy is provided for general educational purposes only and should not be considered the exclusive source for this type of information. This training does not replace or supersede approved labeling. The content will be shared with physicians and allied health professionals who seek a deeper understanding of the operation and use of Medtronic products and therapies with the intent of enhancing their knowledge of features and operations described in the clinician manuals. At all times, it is the professional responsibility of the practitioner to exercise independent clinical judgment in a particular situation. Changes in a patient's disease and/or medications may alter the efficacy of a device's programmed parameters or related features and results may vary. The device functionality and programming described on Medtronic Academy are based on Medtronic products and can be referenced in the published device manuals. This website is intended for healthcare professionals and not intended for patients or consumers.

© 2025 Medtronic