Enhanced Recovery After Surgery is an evidence-based trend that provides multiple guidelines to help maximize patients’ health and optimize outcomes. Many anesthesia society guidelines and recommendations recommend using anesthetic depth monitoring, namely Bispectral Index™ monitoring, to avoid complications associated with too much or too little anesthesia.
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery associated improved outcomes include:
BIS™ monitoring reflects the anesthetic effect on your patient’s brain, empowering you to personalize dosing that improves patient postoperative outcomes.4
Reduce primary anesthetic delivery by as much as 38%4-8
Patients monitored with BIS™ technology are more fully awake and oriented upon arrival in the PACU and ready for discharge faster4,8
Reduce postoperative delirium by up to 29% for better patient outcomes9,10
“BIS™ monitoring of anaesthetic depth should be considered where ETAG (end tidal anesthetic gas) monitoring is not employed.”13
- Erik Stenberg et al, Guidelines for Perioperative Care in Bariatric Surgery: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS™) Society Recommendations: A 2021 Update
“BIS™ monitoring-guided anesthesia is recommended to reduce the amount of anesthesia used and hasten awakening.”14
- Gregg Nelson, et al. Guidelines for perioperative care in gynecologic/oncology: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS™) Society recommendations — 2019 update
“The use of BIS™ or newer burst suppression monitoring to avoid overdose of anesthesia in the elderly may have a role in reducing the risk of postoperative delirium and postoperative cognitive dysfunction in this patient population.”15
- Ulf Gustafsson et al., Guidelines for Perioperative Care in Elective Colorectal Surgery: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS™) Society Recommendations: 2018