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Integrated health solutions case studies

Our reputation is built on results, and partnerships based on our commitment to improve outcomes.

Southlake Regional Health Centre Reduces Cancellations

4 surgeons in theatre

Southlake Regional Health Centre’s Regional Cardiac Care Program improved patient care and resource utilization, virtually eliminating cancellations due to capacity issues,  leaving patients happier, and staff more confident.


the charles h. best diabetes care centre

Charles H. Best Diabetes Centre

Learn how the partnership between the Medtronic Integrated Health Solutions team and the Charles H. Best Diabetes Centre in Whitby, Ontario created efficiencies, and improved wait time for initial appointment by nearly 50%


reducing cardiac wait times in newfoundland

Dr. Connors and Dr. Parfrey in cath lab

An innovative approach undertaken between Eastern Health and the Medronic IHS team  dramatically improves wait times for cardiac patients .


Increasing access to care at the new brunswick heart centre

New Brunswick Heart Centre

The partnership between the New Brunswick Heart Centre at Horizon Health and the Medtronic IHS team increased access to care in part through reducing median wait times by as much as  44% at the cardiac unit.

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William Osler Centre Diabetes Centre

William Osler Health Centre

 William Osler's Diabetes Centre and the Medtronic IHS team partnered to help reduce cancellations by 80%, and improved use of clinical time by 25%.

READ THE CASE STUDY(opens new window)