Vital nerve integrity monitor

NIM Vital™ nerve monitoring system integrates the following key features which help inspire surgical strategy and help improve patient outcomes​1-3:

  • NIM NerveTrend™ EMG Reporting​
  • Intuitive user interface8
  • Green, yellow, and red color-coded EMG reporting​
  • NIM  Nervassure ™ Continuous Monitoring ​
  • Enhanced wireless visualization from the surgical field


Product Details

NIM™ 3.0 Systems

NIM-Neuro 3.0 mainframe on white background

Based on more than 20 years of experience, the NIM-Response™ 3.0 and NIM-Neuro™ 3.0 systems offer advanced nerve monitoring technology. NIM™ 3.0 systems monitor EMG activity from multiple muscles. If there is a change in nerve function, the NIM™ 3.0 systems may provide audible and visual warnings to help reduce the risk of nerve damage.9,10


Product Details

NIM Trivantage™ EMG Tubes

NIM TriVantage EMG tube on white background

NIM TriVantage™ EMG tubes provide an open airway for patient ventilation and intraoperative nerve monitoring of both vocal cords. If nerve function changes, the NIM™ system alerts you with visual and audible warnings to help reduce the risk of intraoperative nerve damage.9,10


Product Details

Continuous Monitoring Electrodes

APS Electrode

Used with the NIM™ 3.0 system, the Automatic Periodic Stimulation™ (APS) continuous monitoring electrodes enable early detection and warning of a change in nerve function.14 The APS™ electrode set is placed on the vagus nerve and delivers continuous low-level stimulation.


Product Details


Stim Bur Guard held by a gloved hand on a white background

The Stim Bur Guard is the first and only commercially available surgical tool that combines an electric drill with stimulation for nerve monitoring. It works with our NIM™ 3.0 system to alert you of the bur’s proximity to the facial nerve and help reduce the risk of patient injury during otologic procedures.*15


Product Details

Product names on this page are trademarks or registered trademarks of Medtronic.


Nerve monitoring capability provided by NIM-Response™ or NIM-Neuro™ nerve monitoring systems, models 2.0 and later. Must be used with Visao™ high-speed otologic drill and Integrated Power Console (IPC®) system.


Dionigi G, et al. Why monitor the recurrent laryngeal nerve in thyroid surgery? J Endocrinal Invest. 2010; 33: 819-822


Randolph GW and Dralle H with the International Intraoperative Monitoring Study Group. Electrophysiologic recurrent laryngeal nerve monitoring during thyroid and parathyroid surgery: international standards guideline statement. Laryngoscope 2011; 121:S1-S16


Schneider R, Sekulla C, Machens A, Lorenz K, Nguyen P, Dralle H. Postoperative vocal fold palsy in patients undergoing thyroid surgery with continuous or intermittent nerve monitoring. BJS. 2015;  102:1380-1387.


Data on file.


Data on file.


Data on file.


Data on file.


Data on file.


Dionigi G, et al. Why monitor the recurrent laryngeal nerve in thyroid surgery? J Endocrinal Invest. 2010; 33: 819-822


Dionigi G, et al. The technique of intraoperative neuromonitoring in thyroid surgery. Surg Technol Int. 2010;19:25-37


Wilson JA, Deary IJ, Miller A, et al. The quality of life impact of dysphonia. Clin Otolaryng 2002;27:179-82


Sari S, Erbil Y, Sumer A et al. Evaluation of recurrent laryngeal nerve monitoring in thyroid surgery. Int J Surg 2010;8(6):474-478. 


Dionigi G, Bacuzzi A, Rausei S, et al.: The technique of intraoperative neuromonitoring in thyroid surgery. Surg Technol Int. 2010;19:25-37.


Stopa M. Prognostic value of intraoperative neural monitoring of the recurrent laryngeal nerve in thyroid surgery. Langenbecks Arch Surg (2017) 402:957–964.


Kartush J, Bouchard KR. Neuromonitoring in otology and head and neck surgery. Raven Press, 1992, XI, XII.1 Dionigi G, et al. Why monitor the recurrent laryngeal nerve in thyroid surgery? J Endocrinal Invest. 2010; 33: 819-822



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