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Healthcare Professionals

Mosaic and Mosaic Ultra


Mosaic and Mosaic Ultra Bioprostheses

Our Mosaic® and Mosaic Ultra® Bioprostheses are the evolutionary result of more than 3 decades of tissue valve design improvements.


Exclusive Third Generation Technology Featuring Cinch Implant System

Mosaic® and Mosaic Ultra® Bioprostheses offer implantability, durability, and improved hemodynamics.


  • Cinch® Implant System facilitates aortic valve insertion, particularly through a tight sinotubular space and helps prevent suture “looping” around stent posts for mitral valve replacement.
  • Flexible stent reduces tissue stress.
  • Especially suited for minimally invasive procedures


  • Thirteen-year results demonstrate clinical safety and excellent performance.1
  • AOA® Tissue Treatment helps mitigate valve calcification.2
  • Physiologic Fixation™ Process preserves leaflet structure and provides leaflets that function similarly to native aortic valves.3,4


  • Leaflets open physiologically for excellent forward flow.5
  • Designed by nature to minimize backflow and prevent regurgitation.
  • The Mosaic Ultra has a reduced sewing cuff that allows greater flexibility to implant a larger valve size for improved hemodynamics. Its scalloped sewing ring conforms to the aortic annulus for complete supra-annular placement.

Important Safety Information

Adverse events potentially associated with the use of bioprosthetic heart valves include: angina, cardiac arrhythmia, cardiac dysrhythmias, death, endocarditis, heart failure, hemolysis, hemolytic anemia, hemorrhage (anticoagulant/antiplatelet-related), leak (transvalvular or paravalvular), myocardial infarction, nonstructural dysfunction (obstructive pannus ingrowth, suture dehiscence, inappropriate sizing, other), stroke, structural deterioration (calcification, leaflet tear, other), thromboembolism, valve thrombosis. It is possible that these complications could lead to: reoperation, explantation, permanent disability, or death.

For a complete listing of Indications, Contraindications, Warnings, Precautions and Adverse events, please refer to the Instructions for Use provided with the product.




Riess F-C, et al. Clinical results of the Medtronic Mosaic porcine bioprosthesis up to 13 years. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg (2009), doi:10.1016/j.ejcts.2009.04.073.


Bakhtiary F, et al. Opening and closing kinematics of fresh and calcified aortic valve prostheses: an in vitro study. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2007;134:657-62.


Chen W, et al. Mechanism of efficacy of 2-Amino Oleic Acid for inhibition of calcification of glutaraldehyde-pretreated porcine bioprosthetic heart valves. Circulation 1994;90:323-9.


Girardot MN, et al. Role of glutaraldehyde in calcification of procine heart valves: comparing cusp and wall. J Biomed Mater Res 1995;29(7):793-801.


Bakhtiary F, et al. Opening and closing kinematics of fresh and calcified aortic valve prostheses: an in vitro study. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2007;134:657-62.

No clinical data are available which evaluate the long-term impact of AOA® tissue treatment and the Physiologic Fixation process in patients.