Diabetes Treatment - i-Port Advance | Medtronic

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Closeup of woman injecting into i-Port.


i-Port Advance injection port lets you take your medication without having to puncture your skin for each shot. It’s easy to apply and easy to use. The port can be worn for up to three days and during all normal activities, including exercising, sleeping, and bathing.


You can easily take multiple injections with just one application. The i-Port Advance injection port reduces the number of punctures from up to 15 to 1 over the course of three days.

Illustration showing one i-Port Advance injection vs. 30 standard shots.

Illustration showing how the injection works.


The i-Port Advance injection port is easy to apply. It includes a built-in inserter, which gives you a quick application. Only a soft flexible tube, called a cannula, stays under the skin.

Once applied, you inject your medication through the port instead of your skin (no medication is stored inside the device2).

The i-Port Advance injection port is small and discrete, and sticks to you like a Band-Aid®.


The i-Port Advance injection port is compatible with pens and syringes and can be used by children and adults.

You may be a candidate for i-Port Advance if you meet any of the following criteria:

  • You’ve been newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and are not ready for a pump.
  • You have type 2 diabetes and are new to taking insulin.
  • You experience the emotional challenges of shots like fear, anxiety, and stress.
  • You experience the physical impact of shots like bruising, scaring, or pain.

Survey data on file; individual results may vary.


i-Port Advance™ injection port functions as a drug delivery channel directly into the subcutaneous tissue (the tissue layer located just beneath the skin). Besides the residual space found within the device (approximately 0.0026mL), medication is not held or stored within the device.

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Information on this site should not be used as a substitute for talking with your doctor. Always talk with your doctor about diagnosis and treatment information.

The device has a residual volume up to 2.60 μL (0.0026 mL or 0.26 units). It is not known if the residual drug remains in the cannula or is absorbed into the subcutaneous tissue over time. The prescribing healthcare provider should consider if the retention of, or delay in delivery of small doses of a drug (such as 1 international unit or 10 μL of U100 insulin) may adversely affect the therapeutic goals in some patients such as infants or small children.