Hear Md. Bachu Miah's CRTD Implanted Story

Md Bachu Miah CRTD Patient Portrait Image

Md. Bachu Miah

CRTD Implanted Story

A Timely Decision Saved a Father’s Life

A Timely Decision Saved a Father’s life

Md. Bachu Miah, 71 years old, lived a happy life with his beloved wife and children in a small village called Purbo Gailkata in Kishoreganj. He had been managing his daily means mostly by farming and a small business. For at least the last five years, Bachu Miah had been suffering from Ischemic Cardiomyopathy and has been chiefly on medical management throughout the period.

In October 2020, Bachu Miah came for a regular visit to cardiologist Dr. Kaisar Nasrullah Khan in United Hospital, Dhaka. Unlike any previous time, he was having shortness of breath for the last seven days before visiting Dr. Kaisar. After the initial examination, Dr. Kaisar suggested him to undergo an Echocardiology test. While the test was being performed, he suffered a cardiac arrest. He survived the cardiac arrest due to immediate Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation for 15 straight minutes and a series of Defibrillation shocks to his extreme good luck. He even required to be supported by mechanical ventilation to be kept alive.

Apart from the highlighted features and heart failure complications, Bachu Miah developed recurrent Ventricular Tachycardia while being treated with CPR. While under treatment, he came to know about the statistical fact that one-third of the total heart failure patients succumb to sudden cardiac deaths every year. Given all his clinical conditions, Dr. Kaisar suggested him to have CRTD implantation. And since he had just survived a sudden cardiac arrest, the scenario for Bachu Miah was – the sooner, the better.

Bachu Miah’s family was all by his side throughout the clinical proceedings. Seeing their beloved father's condition, Bachu Miah’s sons immediately opted to have CRT therapy for their father. Dr. Kaisar Khan ultimately performed the life-saving procedure for Bachu Miah in the form of a CRT implant. Even though affordability was a constraint for the patient’s family, saving a valuable life prevailed above all.

“Ever since the CRTD implantation, I am feeling much better. Thankfully enough, it’s very much like getting gifted with a second life! I want to say that patients like me must avail of their treatment at the earliest. Time may prove to be a luxury for those who are unfortunate,” said Bachu Miah.



Disclaimer: This is a public awareness initiative by Medtronic. The patient story published is for educational and informational purposes only and is an experience specific to a particular patient. Responses to a treatment may vary from patient to patient. Always talk with your healthcare professional about diagnosis and treatment information and ensure that you understand and carefully follow that information.