Hear Md. Abdul Alim’s cardio stenting story

Md. Abdul Alim

Md. Abdul Alim

Coronary Stenting Story

Abdul Alim’s second chance at life

Abdul Alim’s second chance at life

On the verges of a stress-free, relaxed retirement, Abdul Alim had been struck with a massive heart attack. At 50,  Abdul Alim was living with growing heart health challenges which was also beginning to put pressure on his family life. However, the decision to delay the treatment despite doctor’s advice derailed his life’s plans.

Abdul Alim had already been suffering from conditions like hypertension and rheumatoid arthritis. By 2018, he started experiencing  chest pain frequently, followed by extensive fatigue and consistent lack of energy. He had no other option but to avoid strenuous activities and take breaks between regular activities to cope with his situation. He even had difficulty in sleeping, , impacting his routine and productivity levels. With health challenges, Abdul Alim had started to lose confidence in himself by that time.

After around six months of his first symptoms of weakness, Abdul Alim’s family members decided to consult a cardiologist., An angiogram recommended by the doctor revealed that Abdul Alim had a block in his right coronary artery. The unfortunate revelation left the patient’s family devasted. The cardiologist suggested that Abdul Alim immediately undergo stenting. He heavily warned that the consequences might be fatal if proper treatment is delayed. However, considering their financial and other conditions, Abdul Alim and his family decided to take more time.

One night after 7 – 8 months of the first angiogram, Abdul Alim started to feel excruciating chest pain and breathlessness. He was shortly admitted to the CCU, and the following day a new angiogram showed that two of Abdul Alim’s coronary arteries were affected by the blockage. This time the patient’s family did not make the same mistake. In October 2020, Abdul Alim had an angioplasty.

Ever since then, Abdul Alim had been instructed to stay under a strict routine and diet. Even with the restrictions,  he has no complaints. He says, “I would request every patient to take immediate measures if any abnormality is found in their angiogram. I hope you don’t  make the same mistakes that I did; not all are meant to be lucky. I am trying to carry on my regular activities as close as I can to my old life. I am still weak, but I can also feel a gradual recovery.”


Disclaimer :

This is a public awareness initiative by Medtronic. The patient story published is for educational and informational purposes only and is an experience specific to a particular patient. Responses to a treatment may vary from patient to patient. Always talk with your healthcare professional about diagnosis and treatment information and ensure that you understand and carefully follow that information.