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Living With Peripheral Arterial Disease Treatments

Some people may feel they are able to return to activities sooner than expected, The recovery time and capabilities will depend on the type of treatment the patient has received. With minimally invasive options like balloon angioplasty and stenting.

After Surgery

The experience immediately after the procedure depends on the treatment received. After bypass or open surgery, it may require a longer stay than stenting and balloon angioplasty which can be less invasive procedures.

More: Surgery - What to expect

Signs to Watch For

If the place where the catheter was inserted, or where a surgical site was closed starts to bleed, lie down, apply pressure to the site, and call the doctor. Any change in color, pain or warm feeling in the area where the catheter was inserted, or where the surgical site was closed, should also be should also be reported to the doctor.

Returning to Activities

The time it will take to return to activities depends on the treatment. Bypass or open surgery, may take up to 12 weeks, depending on the surgical approach and other factors. Ask the doctor what to expect.

After a balloon angioplasty or stenting procedure, some people are able to return to work and routines after about a week. The people who do very physical work will need to wait longer. Check with a doctor before returning to daily activities and beginning strenuous work. As with all medical procedures, there are risks involved.

It can be difficult for someone who has undergone angioplasty or stenting to get back to life right away. Having family and friends around to help may make recovery easier.

Daily Living

The best way to maintain good results after the procedure is to adopt a heart-healthy lifestyle. Many people who have undergone surgery, angioplasty or stent procedures, take the opportunity to start making healthier choices afterward.

Take medication as prescribes. Adopt a heart-healthy diet. Quit smoking. Get more exercise. And, as always, see a doctor on a regular basis.

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