

Facilitates vocalization

Shiley™ speaking valves enable easier vocalization for alert, awake patients who are independently breathing.


  • Latex-free
  • Available with or without a supplemental oxygen port and cap
  • Air flow through oral and nasal chambers decreases secretions, increases ability to smell and swallow1
  • Decreases hygiene and infection concerns, compared to finger occlusions
  • Lightweight materials and construction may help reduce additional pressure on stoma site
  • Connector adapts to most tracheostomy tubes including pediatric sizes
  • Hinged cap for easy cleaning
  • Available sterile

Shiley™ tracheostomy tubes and accessories provide trusted solutions from a proven partner.

Order Information
Order Code Description Unit of Measure Quantity
SSV Shiley™ Speaking Valve Box 1
SSVO Shiley™ Speaking Valve, O2 Port Box 1
Note to patients: All the devices shown here are prescription products and must be obtained from a licensed provider or physician. Patients cannot purchase directly from Medtronic.
General Characteristics
Airflow resistance (valve only) at 50 L/min 2.0 cm H2O
Work of breathing (with Shiley™ tracheostomy tube, size 10) 0.95 joules/L
Connector 15 mm

Order Information

  • 1. Lichtman SW, Birnbaum IL, Sanfilippo MR, et al. Effect of a tracheostomy speaking valve on secretions, arterial oxygenation, and olfaction: a quantitative evaluation. J Speech hear Res. 1995;38(3):549-555.