Developing future GI & hepatology

Medtronic offers GI and hepatology fellows both online and in-person educational opportunities across the country. We offer ongoing support to fellows by helping them learn patient care strategies and sharing gastrointestinal and hepatology best practices.


On-demand courses for fellows 

We offer webinars for developing future GI and hepatology leaders. Webinars are designed for fellows to hear patient care strategies while increasing knowledge and awareness of gastrointestinal and hepatology best practices.

Innovative Technologies & Strategies to Accelerate Your Career Post-Fellowship Part 1 & 2: Panel Discussion

Barrett’s Esophagus: What Every Senior Fellow Needs to Know

GERD & Motility Disorders

Society partnerships

Stay connected to other professionals in your industry and continue to learn throughout your career.

Physician training

More educational opportunities

FIne virtual and in-person educational sessions for all levels.

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Taking GI health
further, together.

Discover a comprehensive portfolio of solutions designed to help with early detection and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

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